Christmas Bouquet


Christmas Bouquet – Shrewsbury

Celebrate the festive season with our bespoke Christmas Bouquet, a stunning selection of seasonal, florist-chosen blooms, hand-tied and beautifully wrapped in cellophane or paper. Each bouquet is uniquely crafted to order, making it a one-of-a-kind gift for someone special. Please note that the recipient will need a vase to display these fresh, vibrant flowers, bringing warmth and Christmas cheer into any home.

Images are for illustration purposes only, as every bouquet is tailored to capture the spirit of Christmas with the freshest blooms available.

Order now for a personalised touch to your Christmas gifting!

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Christmas Bouquet – Shrewsbury

Images are for illustration purposes only, as every bouquet is tailored to capture the spirit of Christmas with the freshest blooms available.

Additional information


Standard, Medium, Large, Deluxe

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